Solved: RsBuild React Project Got Can Not Find Module Error for PNG Image File
Image by Roshawn -

Solved: RsBuild React Project Got Can Not Find Module Error for PNG Image File

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Are you tired of seeing the dreaded “Cannot find module” error in your RsBuild React project when trying to import a PNG image file? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got the solution right here! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of RsBuild and React, exploring the reasons behind this error and providing step-by-step instructions to get your project up and running smoothly.

What is RsBuild?

RsbBuild is a popular build tool for React applications, allowing developers to create fast, scalable, and efficient builds. It’s an essential part of many React projects, and when used correctly, can significantly improve development speed and productivity.

The Error: Cannot Find Module for PNG Image File

So, you’ve created a beautiful PNG image file, and you want to use it in your RsBuild React project. You import it into your component, but when you run the project, you’re met with the following error:

Error: Cannot find module './image.png'

This error is frustrating, to say the least, but don’t worry, we’re here to help you troubleshoot and solve it once and for all.

Reasons Behind the Error

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore the reasons behind this error. There are a few possible causes:

  • Incorrect File Path**: The file path to your PNG image file is incorrect, causing RsBuild to throw the “Cannot find module” error.
  • File Not Found**: The PNG image file is not present in the specified location, resulting in the error.
  • Invalid File Format**: The PNG image file is corrupted or not in the correct format, preventing RsBuild from recognizing it.
  • RsBuild Configuration**: The RsBuild configuration is not set up correctly, leading to the error.

Solution: Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons behind the error, let’s get to the solution! Follow these step-by-step instructions to resolve the “Cannot find module” error for your PNG image file:

Step 1: Verify File Path and Name

Double-check the file path and name of your PNG image file. Make sure it’s correct, and the file is present in the specified location. You can do this by:

  1. image.png

Step 2: Check File Format and Corruption

Ensure that your PNG image file is not corrupted and is in the correct format. You can try:

  1. Opening the PNG image file in an image editor or viewer to ensure it’s not corrupted.
  2. Converting the PNG image file to a different format, such as JPEG or GIF, to rule out any formatting issues.

Step 3: Update RsBuild Configuration

RsbBuild configuration might be the culprit behind the error. Update your RsBuild configuration by:

  1. Adding the following code to your `rsb.config.js` file:
module.exports = {
  // ... other configurations ...
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'file-loader',
            options: {
              name: '[name].[ext]',
              outputPath: 'images/'

This code tells RsBuild to use the `file-loader` to handle PNG, JPG, and GIF image files, and output them to the `images/` folder.

Step 4: Import Image Correctly

Finally, make sure you’re importing the PNG image file correctly in your React component. Use the following syntax:

import image from './image.png';


import image from './images/image.png';

depending on your file structure and RsBuild configuration.


And there you have it! By following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to resolve the “Cannot find module” error for your PNG image file in your RsBuild React project. Remember to double-check your file path and name, ensure the file is not corrupted, update your RsBuild configuration, and import the image correctly.

With these simple solutions, you’ll be back to developing your React project in no time, free from the frustration of the “Cannot find module” error.

Common Errors Solutions
Incorrect File Path Verify file path and name
File Not Found Check if file is present in specified location
Invalid File Format Check file format and convert if necessary
RsbBuild Configuration Update RsBuild configuration to handle image files

If you’re still experiencing issues, feel free to ask in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about RsBuild and React? Check out these additional resources:

Happy coding, and we’ll see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the pesky “can’t find module” error for your PNG image file in your RsBuild React project? Don’t sweat, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to get you back on track.

Why am I getting a “can’t find module” error for my PNG image file?

This error usually occurs when the file path or the import statement is incorrect. Check if the file path is correct, and make sure the file is in the same directory as your JavaScript file, or that the path is correctly imported.

How do I import a PNG image file in my RsBuild React project?

You can import a PNG image file using the `import` statement. For example, if your image is named `image.png` and it’s in the same directory as your JavaScript file, you can import it like this: `import image from ‘./image.png’;`. Then, you can use it in your component like this: `My Image`.

What if my PNG image file is in a different directory?

No problem! If your PNG image file is in a different directory, you can import it by specifying the correct path. For example, if your image is in a directory called `images` and your JavaScript file is in a directory called `components`, you can import it like this: `import image from ‘../images/image.png’;`. Just make sure to use the correct relative path.

Do I need to configure anything in my RsBuild configuration file to use PNG image files?

Yes, you may need to configure your RsBuild configuration file to use PNG image files. You can add the following configuration to your `rsbuild.config.js` file: `module.exports = { …modules: [require.resolve(‘react-scripts/config/module/file-loader.js’)], };`. This configuration tells RsBuild to use the `file-loader` to handle image files.

What if I’m still getting the “can’t find module” error after trying the above solutions?

If you’re still getting the error, try restarting your RsBuild development server or deleting the `node_modules` folder and running `npm install` again. Sometimes, a simple restart or reinstall can resolve the issue. If the problem persists, try checking your file path and import statement again, or seek help from a teammate or online community.

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