Mastering kubectl: How to Modify Custom-Columns Output in kubectl Commands
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Mastering kubectl: How to Modify Custom-Columns Output in kubectl Commands

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Kubernetes, the de facto standard for container orchestration, provides an exhaustive set of tools to manage and maintain your clusters. Among these tools, kubectl stands out as the most versatile and powerful command-line interface. With kubectl, you can perform a wide range of tasks, from deploying applications to debugging issues. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of custom-columns output in kubectl commands and explore ways to modify it to suit your needs.

What are Custom Columns in kubectl?

Custom columns in kubectl allow you to tailor the output of certain commands to display specific information about your cluster resources. By default, kubectl commands like kubectl get pods or kubectl get deployments display a limited set of columns, such as NAME, READY, STATUS, and AGE. However, with custom columns, you can add or remove columns to focus on the data that matters most to your workflow.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
example-pod               1/1     Running   0          10m
another-example-pod      1/1     Running   0          10m

Why Modify Custom Columns in kubectl?

Modifying custom columns in kubectl can significantly improve your productivity and decision-making process. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Faster troubleshooting**: By displaying relevant columns, you can quickly identify issues and pinpoint the root cause of problems.
  • Enhanced visibility**: Custom columns enable you to monitor specific aspects of your cluster, such as resource utilization, pod status, or deployment rollout.
  • Streamlined workflows**: By tailoring the output to your needs, you can automate tasks, create custom dashboards, or integrate with other tools and scripts.

Modifying Custom Columns in kubectl Commands

Now that we’ve established the importance of custom columns, let’s dive into the various ways to modify them in kubectl commands.

### Using the --output Option

The --output option allows you to specify the format of the output, including custom columns. You can use it with the kubectl get command to display specific columns.

$ kubectl get pods --output=custom-columns=NAME,NAMESPACE,CONTAINERS
NAME                     NAMESPACE   CONTAINERS
example-pod               default     example-container
another-example-pod      default     another-example-container

In this example, we’re using the --output option to display the NAME, NAMESPACE, and CONTAINERS columns. You can add or remove columns as needed.

### Using the -o Shorthand

The -o shorthand is a convenient alternative to the --output option. It achieves the same result, but with fewer keystrokes.

$ kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=NAME,NAMESPACE,CONTAINERS
NAME                     NAMESPACE   CONTAINERS
example-pod               default     example-container
another-example-pod      default     another-example-container

### Using a Custom Column Template

If you need to reuse a custom column configuration across multiple kubectl commands, you can create a custom column template. This template defines the columns and their formats.

$ kubectl get pods -o custom-columns-file=template.yaml
NAME                     NAMESPACE   CONTAINERS
example-pod               default     example-container
another-example-pod      default     another-example-container

In this example, we’re using a custom column template defined in a YAML file named template.yaml. The file contains the column definitions, which are then applied to the output.

Column Name Format
NAME {{}}
NAMESPACE {{.metadata.namespace}}
CONTAINERS {{.spec.containers[*].name}}

### Using Kubectl Plugins

Kubectl plugins are community-created extensions that provide additional functionality to kubectl commands. Some plugins, like kubectl-pretty, offer advanced customization options for custom columns.

$ kubectl get pods -o pretty
NAME                     NAMESPACE   CONTAINERS   AGE
example-pod               default     example-container  10m
another-example-pod      default     another-example-container  10m

In this example, we’re using the kubectl-pretty plugin to display a more visually appealing output with custom columns.

Tips and Tricks for Modifying Custom Columns in kubectl

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of custom columns in kubectl:

  1. Use the kubectl api-resources command to discover available columns: This command lists all the available columns for a particular resource type, making it easier to create custom column templates.
  2. Experiment with different column formats: kubectl supports various column formats, such as JSON, YAML, and custom templates. Experiment with different formats to find the one that suits your needs.
  3. Combine custom columns with other kubectl options: You can combine custom columns with other kubectl options, such as --sort-by or --label-selector, to create powerful and flexible commands.
  4. Use custom columns in conjunction with kubectl plugins: Many kubectl plugins, such as kubectl-convert or kubectl-debug, offer additional customization options for custom columns.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of custom columns in kubectl commands and demonstrated various ways to modify them to suit your needs. By mastering custom columns, you can streamline your workflows, improve your productivity, and make data-driven decisions with ease. Remember to experiment with different column formats, combine custom columns with other kubectl options, and take advantage of kubectl plugins to unlock the full potential of kubectl.

With great power comes great responsibility, so go forth and modify those custom columns to conquer your Kubernetes cluster!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of modifying custom-columns output in kubectl commands!

How can I customize the columns in kubectl get output?

You can customize the columns in kubectl get output by using the `-o custom-columns` option followed by the column names and their formats. For example, `kubectl get pods -o,NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace` will display the pod names and namespaces.

Can I reorder the columns in kubectl get output?

Yes, you can reorder the columns in kubectl get output by specifying the column names in the desired order. For example, `kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,` will display the namespace column before the name column.

How can I format the column values in kubectl get output?

You can format the column values in kubectl get output by using the `jsonpath` syntax. For example, `kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=AGE:.metadata.creationTimestamp|ago` will display the pod age in a human-readable format.

Can I use kubectl get output with custom-columns in scripts?

Yes, you can use kubectl get output with custom-columns in scripts by redirecting the output to a file or parsing it using tools like `jq` or `awk`. For example, `kubectl get pods -o > pods_list.txt` will save the pod names to a file.

What are some common use cases for modifying custom-columns output in kubectl commands?

Modifying custom-columns output in kubectl commands is useful for creating custom reports, automating workflows, and integrating with other tools. It’s commonly used for monitoring, logging, and auditing Kubernetes resources.

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